Hamilton NZPC Site Page

The next NZ Programming Contest is Saturday August 17th, 2024.

For general information about the NZ Programming Contest see the official website maintained by NZ contest director Phil Robbins.

The University of Waikato will host the Hamilton site in R block ground floor (map).

The registration and contest system is at https://domserver.csse.canterbury.ac.nz/.

Teams do not need to reserve a place; just turn up on the day.

There are no entry fees for the Hamilton site.


12:00pm Teams arrive
Welcome Video
12:45pm - 1:45pm Practice Session
The online judging software will run in practice mode with some example problems. This is an opportunity to learn how the judging system works and check that you can successfully submit solutions to problems.
2:00pm - 7:00pm The Contest
The online judging software will run in contest mode and the problem set will become available. An online scoreboard of all the teams will be displayed in the first four hours, but will freeze in the last hour (teams will only be able to see the results of their own submissions, to create a little suspense before the results are announced).
Snacks and soft drinks will be provided.
7pm - 8pm Pizza and results
Lastly Debrief

Programming language availability

The following languages are available: C++, Java, Python, C#.

For more information

Contact Tom Levy.